Connecting eCommerce Platforms with eProcurement Platforms, Simply.
We do the hard work of integrating your eCommerce platform with your customers eProcurement platforms. This makes it easier for your customers to buy from your eCommerce website; driving a greater, data driven and more enjoyable buying experience.
With a number of pre-built connectors to leading ERPs, eCommerce and eProcurement platforms, we have the integration and delivery expertise needed to make trading between buyers and suppliers seamless.

How It Works
Procurement request is initiated from customer’s eProcurement solution
via a Punchout.
Procurement request is initiated from customer’s eProcurement solution
via a Punchout.
Customer shops in your eCommerce store and once completed the shopping cart is sent via our gateway to the eProcurement platform, we ensure that the data is in the correct format to be successfully ingested to create an order.
Your customer follows their eProcurement workflow to get approval for the order and a purchase order is submitted directly to your system.
The order is processed and fulfilled – Advanced shipping notices can be integrated at this point as well if required.
Invoice is automatically generated and sent to the customer for automatic matching to the purchase order for payment.
Key Benefits for You
Increased brand awareness
Integrating your products/services directly into your customers eProcurement platforms ensure that your products and brand can be consistently visible to your customers end users and may drive purchases from categories that they would have typically purchased elsewhere.
Easier to buy from
Your customers are busy and will always choose the option with least resistance. If your products are pre-integrated into your customers eProcurement platform than it will be a very easy buying experience for them to buy from you which should lead to increased sales.
Product availability in Real-Time
Through a system to system integration your customers can see, in real-time, product availability ensuring that if they order from your both you and they know the order can be fulfilled – no more awkward, sorry your order will be delayed emails!
Key Benefits for Your Customers
Lower Your Customers Cost of Process
Customers prefer leveraging their existing investments and dislike buying any goods outside the procurement process, enabling lower cost of managing their Procurement process.
Personalised and Tailored Offers by Customer
Tailor promotions by industry or data analytics driven promotion management based on B2B customers buying patterns, demonstrating customer focus and true partnership with Procurement departments.
Discount Visibility
Savings on items purchased are made clear to the user helping procurement departments demonstrate value to their organisation.
Spend Analytics
Major procurement platforms all leverage UNSPSC item classification for data analytics. Passing this data across to your customers as part of the shopping cart payload, would deliver a major spend analytics benefit for your customers.
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